The death has occurred of John, better known as Johnny, McInerney passed away peacefully at his residence in Gortagannive, Kilmaley. Deeply regretted by his brother JB, sisters Marie Anna and Irene, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, grandniece and grandnephews, relatives, and a large circle of friends. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis Due to current restrictions on gatherings, Johnny’s Funeral Mass will take place in Kilmaley Church on Sunday (6th September) at 2 pm and will be limited to family and close friends. Burial will take place afterwards in Mount Temple Cemetery, Kilmaley. Johnny’s Funeral Mass can be viewed online by logging onto Kilmaley Parish Live Mass Facebook Page.

John (Johnny) McInerney, Gortagannive, Kilmaley
Died on September 5, 2020